
Betty White: No New Nude Photos

Video Betty white nude photos from Youtube

Betty White, nude? No way. According to White's agent, the report that unseen sex photos of the 88-year-old "Golden Girls" star and her late husband, TV game show host Allen Ludden, were found in her old house is false.

"This is simply not her," Jeff Witjas told ABCNews.com. "This has come up over the years -- people claim they have photos of Betty and Allen, and it's simply not true. And Betty's laughing. She can't believe people are still talking about this."

The blog ZackTaylor.ca claimed the photos, four in total, were found in a box of memorabilia left at White's old house, and the people purportedly in possession of them might put them up for sale.

Witjas joked that he'd love to find out what else is in the purported house.

"Maybe there's some other stuff of Betty's," he said.
"Maybe they found her old jewelery."

By Sheila Marikar, http://abcnews.go.com

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