
Katie Price goes to see Legally Blonde, undecided on whether to dump Alex Reid or not

If there's one thing worse than being stuck in the Celebrity Big Brother house and being forced Baldwin's bible preachings while Alex Reid attempts a conversation, then surely it must be sitting through the theatre production of Legally Blonde starring Sheridan Smith and Duncan James from Blue. But still, that's how Katie Price decided to spend her Friday night...

Katie took her shockingly still employed stylist Phil Turner and make-up artist Gary Cockerill (also responsible for the state of Michelle Heaton's face) to the Savoy theatre, while trying to decide whether to dump Alex Reid or not and wondering if it's possible to do it on live TV again.

Despite Reid reportedly being banned by Price from talking about their relationship (as we can't think of one person who would hate the attention more) he's already told Heidi Fleiss that he would "die for her". But that doesn't seem to have half as much meaning or sentiment since telling Baldwin he'd contemplate killing his son for God.

It was also reported that Price was jealous over Reid's flirtatious behaviour with Ivana Trump when he inadvertantly showed her his cock.

But now that Baldwin has volunteered to be his manager and he's taking notes from Vinnie Jones on how to make the transition from shagging Katie Price to becoming the next James Bond, hopefully he'll be dumping her during his interview with Davina this time next week....

Source: http://mobile.holymoly.com

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